Wednesday Night Prayer
Wednesday Prayer 7-7:45pmBible Study & Prayer Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95034980666?pwd=bkQzcTJya2ZwZnpqTjNGWmdWbFk2dz09 Meeting ID: 950 3498 0666 Passcode: 365280 |
Wednesday Prayer 7-7:45pmBible Study & Prayer Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95034980666?pwd=bkQzcTJya2ZwZnpqTjNGWmdWbFk2dz09 Meeting ID: 950 3498 0666 Passcode: 365280 |
Hello !! We want to attend the service next Sunday August 1st .
Do we need to reserve a seat to assist the meeting ?
Thank you !!
Benita & Eric B
You’re all set to show up and enjoy. No need to reserve in advance. See you at 10:30AM!
RE Host
Bible study isn’t in person? Only on zoom?
Yes exactly. This Prayer Meeting is only on Zoom and the link is attached.
Hi, the night prayer it’s live or only in zoom?
Hi Perle it’s online only and the link is found on the Events page to join in. We also have Belong groups that meet in person throughout the week if you are looking for something in person. I hope this helps.